About Us

    Wintro.in is a platform that provides comprehensive information about companies registered in India. Some of the key data points provided by Wintro.in include:

    • Company name: The legal name of the company as registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA).
    • CIN Number: The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is a unique identifier assigned to each company by the MCA.
    • Company Status: This indicates whether the company is active or inactive, and whether it is currently in compliance with all regulatory requirements.
    • ROC: The Registrar of Companies (ROC) is the government body responsible for registering and regulating companies in India.
    • State: The state in which the company is registered.
    • Company Registration Number: The unique registration number assigned to the company by the ROC.
    • Company Category: The category of the company based on its ownership structure (private, public, etc.).
    • Company Sub Category: The sub-category of the company based on its business activities.
    • Class of Company: The classification of the company based on its share capital and number of members.
    • Incorporation Date: The date on which the company was officially registered with the ROC.
    • Age of The Company: The length of time that the company has been in existence.
    • Business Activity Code: A code that identifies the primary business activity of the company.
    • Company Activity Detail: A detailed description of the company's business activities.
    • NUMBER OF MEMBERS (Applicable only in case of Co. without share Capital): The number of members in the company, in case it does not have any share capital.
    • Active Compliance: This indicates whether the company is currently compliant with all legal and regulatory requirements.
    • Companies Present Filing Status: The current filing status of the company, including whether all required annual returns have been filed with the ROC.
    • Suspended at Stock Exchange: This indicates whether the company's shares are currently suspended from trading on any stock exchange.
    • Authorised Capital: The maximum amount of capital that the company is authorized to raise through the issuance of shares.
    • Paid up capital: The actual amount of capital that the company has raised through the issuance of shares.
    • Number of Employees: The number of people currently employed by the company.
    • Listing status: This indicates whether the company's shares are currently listed on any stock exchange.
    • Date of Last Annual General Meeting: The date on which the company last held its annual general meeting.
    • Date of Latest Balance Sheet: The date on which the company's latest balance sheet was prepared.
    • Address: The registered address of the company.
    • Director detail: Information about the directors of the company, including their names and addresses.
    • Company documents: Wintro.in provides access to various documents filed by the company with the MCA, including its annual returns, financial statements, and other regulatory filings.

    Overall, Wintro.in provides a wealth of information about companies registered in India, which can be used by investors, researchers, and other stakeholders to make informed decisions about the company.

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