At present BALDEO FULCHANDDAS SHAH is registered with company ONLOOKER PRESS LIMITED,RELIANCE AGENCY PVT LTD, as a director. As per records of Ministry of Corporate Affairs in india having DIN (Director Identification Number) 01996560. The total number of company associated with this director for past/present directorship is 2. The director involved in activity - PUBLISHING, PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION OF RECORDED MEDIA, Publishing of newspapers, journals and periodicals [includes periodicals of technical or general contents, trade journals, comics etc.] Present company of this director is ONLOOKER PRESS LIMITED,RELIANCE AGENCY PVT LTD, it is located in ROC-MUMBAI and state Maharashtra.

    Present companies associated with director

    Company Designation Original Date of Appointment
    ONLOOKER PRESS LIMITED Director 1946-09-17
    RELIANCE AGENCY PVT LTD Director 1982-09-29

    Past companies associated with director

    Company Designation Original Date of Appointment Date of Cessation
    Past director details not found.

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